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Climate Change Becomes Serious Discussion in of World Fair Trade Day 2022

  • 2022 May 14
  • Posted By : Apikri

Climate change is one of the serious problems that consciously or unconsciously affects people and livelihoods. World Fair Trade Day is commemorated on May 14, 2022 this time highlighting the problem of climate change and how it relates to various sectors around it.

The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) underlines that the climate crisis is caused by a broken economic system that blinds human and environmental well-being. The unfair trading system and unethical business practices that dominate the global economy spread inequality and cause climate and ecological damage.

"Forest destruction, carbon emissions, erratic weather, have an impact on the productivity level of farmers, fishermen, craftsmen and industries, both manufacturing and other industries. Strategies to reduce the impact of climate change must be a serious concern for all parties," said the Secretary General of the Indonesian Fair Trade Forum (FFTI), Netty Febriana in the Webinar Climate Justice Now! Let's Do Fair.

According to her, the problem of climate change needs to be taken seriously in order to produce the best solution. Therefore, the Indonesian Fair Trade Forum, academics, entrepreneurs and observers across social and economic sectors need to be involved and also make efforts to promote environmentally friendly activities and efforts to protect the planet in terms of trade and industry.

"The aim of climate justice is to provide fair and inclusive and sustainable solutions to people who are constrained by the crisis and the causes of climate change. A short solution is needed, therefore fair trade, companies, and across social and economic lines join forces to find the best solution," said Netty.

Retno Hapsari as the representative of FFTI also hopes the same thing. He wants public awareness to grow along with the socialization and discussion of the forum.

"The theme of this commemoration is climate justice, the presence of resource persons is expected to increase awareness of climate change that is occurring in the economic and trade sectors," said Retno.

This webinar also invited some of speakers and audience from the Faculty of Law Universitas Gajah Mada, WFTO Global, HIMKI, Yayasan Bina Swadaya, GRI, Fashion Revolution Indonesia dan Asia Rainforest Alliance.

Perubahan Iklim Menjadi Pembahasan Serius dalam Peringatan World Fair Trade Day 2022

Perubahan iklim menjadi salah satu permasalahan serius yang kini mempengaruhi masyarakat dan mata pencaharian secara sadar bahkan tidak disadari. World Fair Trade Day hang diperingati pada 14 Mei 2022 kali ini menyoroti masalah perubahan iklim tersebut dan bagaimana kaitannya pada berbagai sekyor di sekitarnya.

World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) menggarisbawahi bahwa krisis iklim disebabkan oleh sistem ekonomi yang rusak yang membutakan kesejahteraan manusia dan lingkungan. Sistem perdagangan yang tidak adil dan praktik bisnis yang tidak etis yang mendominasi ekonomi global menyebarkan ketidaksetaraan dan menyebabkan kerusakan iklim dan ekologi.

"Kerusakan hutan, emisi karbon, cuaca yang tidak lagi menentu, memberi dampak pada tingkat produktifitas petani, nelayan, pengrajin dan industri baik industri manufaktur maupun lainnya. Strategi mengurangi dampak perubahan iklim harus menjadi perhatian serius bagi semua pihak," ujar Sekretaris Jenderal Forum Fair Trade Indonesia (FFTI), Netty Febriana dalam Webinar Climate Justice Now! Let's Do Fair.

Menurutnya masalah perubahan iklim ini perlu disikapi secara serius agar bisa menghasilkan solusi yang terbaik. Karenanya, Forum Fair Trade Indonesia, akademisi, pengusaha dan pengamat lintas sosial dan ekonomi perlu dilibatkan dan juga berupaya untuk mengakkan kegiatan yang ramah lingkungan dan upaya menjaga planet dalam hal perdagangan dan industri.

"Tujuan climate justice adalah memberikan solusi yang adil dan inklusif dan bekrlanjutan pada orang-orang yang terkendala akibat krisis dan penyebab perubahan iklim. Solusi singkat dibutuhkan oleh karena itu fair trade, perusahaan, dan lintas sosial dan ekonomi bergabung untuk mencari solusi terbaik, " ujar Netty.

Retno Hapsari selaku perwakilan FFTI juga berharap hal yang serupa. Ia ingin agar kesadaran masyarakat semakin tumbuh seiring dengan sosialisasi dan diskusi forum tersebut berjalan.

"Tema peringatan kali ini climate justice kehadiran narasumber diharapkan daoat meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap perubahan iklim yang terjadi di sektor ekonomi dan perdagangan," kata Retno.

Webinar ini turut mengundang sejunlah pembicara dan beberapa narasumber lain baik dari Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gajah Mada, WFTO Global, HIMKI, Yayasan Bina Swadaya, GRI, Fashion Revolution Indonesia dan Asia Rainforest Alliance.