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Koperasi Griya Jati Rasa Study Visit to Apikri

  • 2024 Jul 21
  • Posted By : Apikri

(Apikri)— On July 10, 2024, Griya Jati Rasa Cooperative, led by Chairman Beny Susanto, conducted a study visit to Apikri. The delegation, which consisted of seven members including the cooperative's board and supervisors, aimed to learn from Apikri's successful model as a nationally registered cooperative with an export-oriented focus.

The visit was warmly received by Apikri's management and supervisors at their Omah Kayu location. Apikri, known for its significant achievements in the handicraft export market, welcomed the Griya Jati Rasa team with open arms, setting a positive tone for the day's discussions and activities.

During the visit, both cooperatives engaged in a fruitful exchange of experiences. Griya Jati Rasa's representatives were eager to understand the operational strategies and governance structures that have contributed to Apikri's national and international success. This knowledge-sharing session was designed to provide insights and practical approaches that Griya Jati Rasa could adopt to enhance their own operations and market reach.

After the meeting, the Griya Jati Rasa delegation toured Apikri's facilities. They visited the handicraft showroom, which showcased a variety of artisanal products, and explored the warehouse located south of the showroom. This tour allowed them to witness firsthand the efficient management and high standards maintained by Apikri in their production and storage processes.

Overall, the study visit was a significant opportunity for Griya Jati Rasa Cooperative to gain valuable insights and inspiration from Apikri. The knowledge and experiences shared during this visit are expected to aid Griya Jati Rasa in refining their strategies and expanding their cooperative's reach, ultimately contributing to their growth and success in the competitive cooperative sector.